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The racist speech in Peru (página 2)

Partes: 1, 2

This racism was strongly criticized by Manuel Gonzalez
Prada who becomes the greatest exponent of radical thinking in
Peru in his time. For Gonzalez Prada: "Peru is not a nation
but a territory inhabited vegetation where herds of
Nor was a possibility of reconciliation races. The
Indians were the only carriers of nationality, being the Western
tradition only a veneer and oppressively violent superimposed on
a real native Peru.

The Peru should then be a project that should not look
to the past as a model, because only it would be oppression. Only
in the future in building a society where excision inheritance
viceregal and Republican, along with Catholicism, could generate
a real country. Not for nothing the phrase:"Young people to
work, the old tomb"
was one of his most remembered

Mariátegui, Haya de la Torre and indigenist what
felt like a pioneer and a visionary who had marked the path to
build a new society. Indigenous people, especially at an early
stage, followed a similar trend.

The Indian claims, the valuation of their traditions
were often accompanied by a radical attack on the entire western
component as shown in Tempest in the Andes by Luis

Luis Valcarcel, the existence posed a dichotomy between
Lima and Cusco essential. Lima represented an attempt to adapt
European culture. The Cusco represented the mother culture, heir
to the ancient tradition of the Incas. The white and Westernized
Lima could not understand the essence and the real life of man
because of Andes not have roots in the soil. Only in Cusco would
be reserved for the redemption of India. That is to Valcarcel
there were two nationalities in Peru which was the result of an
unresolved conflict since the conquest.

A new precedent in the modern history of Peru is the
Peruvian Nationalist Movement (NPM) of the family Humala, a
speech proclaiming millenarian, radical critique of the "minority
and its republiquita Creole, white, Western and extranjerizante
which has the power in Peru ", announcing the end of the old days
and the advent of new auroras redeeming.

The speech, where they become political flags, large
national frustrations inherited from the colony, developed in the
period of the republic and who are in the popular imagination and
are usual topics of conversation: "The blame for our
misfortunes have the Whites, all politicians steal, the Spaniards
were a cursed race and left us a legacy his bad blood, care
Chileans who come here will need tough, the corrupt must rifles,
and so on."

For the Peruvian Nationalist Movement, incario
summarizes the history of ancient Peru; incario is the foundation
of Peruvians. Hurgando in the doctrine of Movement Etnocacerista
we find the fifth doctrinal historical accuracy of the eleven
that make up its doctrinal basis. To argue that the incario
summarizes the history of ancient Peru is to reduce centuries of
rich cultures and societies pre-Inca, (basic foundation of our
nationhood) to his latest period, is an idealization arbitrary
deforms itself as a major incario worth of caste society and is
also unaware that there are other peoples, as the Amazonian
communities that are not recognized as his heirs and have another
genesis, is thinking mind or try to tubing imperial history,

A peculiar in Peru recently is the emergence of groups
that promotes cholificacion as Peruvian identity, this is an
expression rather than to reaffirm the compartment racist and
discriminatory attitudes against what they do not identify with
the cholificacion. It is part of a new racist speech, which
appears questioning racism of the so-called "white" in

It should not be confused with the concept of "race" as
it refers to the existence of some genetic traits that are common
and unique to human group. However, within each race there are
many ethnicities, which are the case of Peru, as many of the
groups that constitute a human race have had a unique cultural
and historical experience, different from other experiences by
other groups.

From a biological point of view, race is becoming one of
the groups in which one species is divided organic, provided that
individuals belonging to these groups

possess certain genetic characteristics common to be
handed down from generation to generation. There are, therefore,
human and animal breeds.

However, scientists today believe that traditional
definition is extremely vague and ambiguous, because it is
subject to numerous errors of judgment. With the development and
evolution of genetics, has tried to give a definition of race
that meets scientific criteria: race would be the existence of a
group with its own distinct genetic characteristics from those of
other human groups, which are kept throughout history through a
reproduction inbreeding (reproductive sexual relations
exclusively with individuals in the same race or

However, from a genetic viewpoint, there is no doubt
that there are no pure races in Peru. Ethnic groups in Peru
have had a unique cultural and historical experience, and
different from other experiences of other groups. This is not a
conceptual blend (mestizos, cholificacion, modernization genetics
and so on.) Can solve the problems of racism and discrimination,
if not on historical experience and cultural exclusivity of each
group and in regard to differences in Regarding the diversity of
indigenous languages and linguistic diversity of Castilian, in
respect racial diversity-ethnic, gender, labor, and in regard to
be different sharing the same civil rights, politicians and

A review of the evidence we speeches racist
intolerance of the groups in power against the individual and
social groups. It is covert racism against the individual and
opens against the social group, race, ethnicity and gender. The
racism in Peru is steeped in military institutions, colleges,
government institutions, and non-governmental organizations,
including the corner shop in the neighborhood, in the
discotheque, in the social club, in television advertising
reinforced by a racist language, exclusionary and

Despite being the multicultural Peru, there is much
racism in Peru. Racial discrimination is not a novelty. It is a
result of a long process that has lasted for centuries, racist
discourse in the social and political history of Peru, have
marked the fracture identity which excludes a segment of the
population on the basis of ethnicity and belittles its
manifestations cultural.




Jorge Yeshayahu Gonzales-Lara

Partes: 1, 2
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